Business development and growth from empathy and inclusion.

Diversity applied at work.

Diversity refers to difference, the existence of variety, or the abundance of things with different characteristics.

This concept is related to inclusion, which is defined as the attitude, tendency or policy of integrating all people in society, with the aim that they can contribute to it and benefit during the process.

Horizones Consulting seeks to promote diversity at work, since it is the key to having a better development and business growth, here we will give you 5 positive effects of working in an environment of diversity.


The talent pool grows
Improve happiness and productivity
Enhance innovation and creativity
Increase the equity of the brand or recognition of the locality
Increase the range of skills of your people

To achieve these objectives, Horizones proposes to use the HDI MODEL (Human Diversity and Inclusion Model) to carry out a diagnosis in companies and identify the challenges they present. This model consists of 4 fundamental pillars: gender equality, inclusion of ethnic groups, sexual orientation, and substantive equality (minorities).

Countries like Canada implement diversity programs, it was also the first country to adopt multiculturalism as a national policy; Uruguay is the only country in Latin America where support for sexual diversity has grown tremendously in recent years. Another example is found in Germany, where more than 80% of the population respect the LGBT + community and since 2017, equal marriages and adoption are allowed.

In conclusion, the HDI Model seeks to generate empathy and inclusion of diversity in Mexico with the aim of bringing strategic benefits to the business sector, in addition to different ideologies and different ways of addressing a topic, and thus have a growth in the percentage rate of innovation within the world of work.