How does a Mexican global technology company open simultaneously in three markets?

By Horizones Consulting

It is complex to think that small companies in their early beginnings can enter and grow rapidly in a powerful and galloping market such as Mexico.
But not only that, but also begin to manage and open horizons in other Latin American countries.

This is the success story of Zenzzer, an innovative company with two years in the Mexican market dedicated to generating value by offering an intelligent system for fuel control, maintenance and vehicle performance in real time that helps reduce costs up to 20% using state-of-the-art technology.

In its early years, it had a B2C (Business to consumer) strategic vision inclined to satisfy and support end users, by offering the first car social network that allowed finding the best gas stations on the map, filtering them by brand and price, and rating them for share the information with more users.

Thus, fuel control was maintained, this being one of the most recurrent problems in terms of theft, quality and attention in the Mexican market.

Zenzzer was very successful with their product and service. Many users wanted the tool and later acquired the device that allows the measurement of the amount of fuel in the vehicle as well as the internal information for preventive maintenance.

This success was not enough, as every innovative entrepreneur eager to take over the world, the founders analyzed and evaluated the market, and made the decision to change the strategy to reach more users and take control of the appropriate segments for their growth. accelerated.

Applying the B2B (Business to business) strategy, they reached a wider market, entering with strategic accounts or giants of the Mexican market to approach more end users and be able to generate more value for companies with complementary services of great value, information and data. for making strategic decisions, alliances for extra benefits to customers and users and adapting this product and service to the current needs of customers.

The key: its characteristics

Today Zenzzer has an innovative product, strategic market segments, the right price, personalized attention and adaptations of the product according to the client’s needs, so that, all of the above, give life to the magic formula that allowed them to go from Startup to Company. But: what would be missing to evaluate and develop? Or what is the recipe to accelerate growth?

But there were other actions that complemented this success:

The Horizones Consulting firm intervened in this recipe adding the fundamental basis of any organization: it opened the doors to accelerate market penetration and growth, generating continuous and potential help based on developing the foundations of the company.
To do this, he made a diagnosis of the company’s situation allowing to understand its current capacity, internal business management, understanding of activities and its strategic vision.

Later he defined the “North Start”, which allows studying potential markets and prioritizing their penetration.

Finally, Horizones Consulting, supported them with an action plan tailored for the current year and with a view to two more years of work, focused on five fundamental pillars: corporate strategies, technology, financial management, marketing and management. commercial.

Not only must we stay with an innovative product and a potential market, we must look internally, analyze and evaluate what we have today; Take advantage of current resources and understand that if there is no internal organization and a clear and defined strategic vision, no matter how innovative we are, we will not be able to sustain ourselves in the face of the demand and competition that currently exists, with a technology that advances by leaps and bounds and with trends in marketing and commercial management that we need to consider and take action so as not to falter over time.